during pregnancy

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Double the pleasure, double the fun...

Yep, it's twins and my official due date is August 22nd! Michelle drove up today and accompanied me to my appointment with video camera in hand. We think it's funny now, b/c we can imagine that people probably think we're lesbian partners who are trying to have a baby. Every time we walk into a fertility clinic we can't help but giggle and call each other "honey"... hee, hee...
When the technician walked in and turned on the machine, we could instantly see the 2 sacs. She said it so non-chalant too, like, "there's 2 babies in there". I'm sure she sees a lot of multiples, working in a fertility clinic, but this was the first time I've ever seen them- in MY body! Each baby looked wonderfully healthy in size and we even got a glimpse of the tiny heartbeat. Michelle and I both started tearing up at that point. Like I've said before, in as many ultrasounds and heartbeats I've heard in my times of being pregnant, it never gets less fascinating. I'm only 6 1/2 weeks along and their little hearts were beating so strongly, so warrior like...
The nerves are definitely starting to kick in a little now. I'm worried how my body will handle the extra weight and how I'll handle my household once I get further along. I know that I can only take it one day at a time though and I also know that it is in God's hands now. I know he wouldn't give me more than I can handle. If I didn't have a purpose before, well, I definitely have one now! I'm going to do everything I can to make sure these babies receive the best care and ultimately arrive safely at home with their parents come summer time...


This Jones Family said...

Yea!!! That's so exciting. I have a great book that kept my sanity when I was pregnant with the girls. http://www.twinstuff.com/exptwins.htm

It tells you anything and everything you need to know, far better than a lot of the other's I had!

Allison S. said...

I like how the ultrasound machine is made by General Electric.

What an amazing picture. Thanks for posting it.