during pregnancy

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

From Lemons, to Lemonade...

Okay, life is good again. Good grief. The kiddos are all back to their normal, healthy selves. As for me, I actually feel pretty darn good. Besides being horribly constipated form these prenatal vitamins, I feel quite normal. The "morning" sickness only lasted about a week and I am now finished with ALL of my medications! Wahoo! I went for an ultrasound again on Monday and the remaining baby measured normal and healthy. What a huge relief. The baby that passed is still in my uterus, but it is supposed to absorb back into my system in a few weeks. They're going to do another ultrasound in 4 weeks to make sure it absorbed and the other baby is still doing okay. We should also find out the sex, which I know the parents are anxiously waiting to know. They, by the way are doing surprisingly well. Of course when they got the news, they were heartbroken, but they're rational people and they know that this is just one of those things that happens. No one knows why, except the baby obviously wasn't quite strong enough to stay put (that, or my body wouldn't allow it to). Either way, we can only stay positive and look toward the future. We still have a healthy baby growing in my belly and they still, of course, couldn't be happier. I'm feeling so blessed right now to be in this position that I'm in. As stressful as it may be at times, it truly is a miracle. Speaking of miracles, I've got 3 of my own that are laughing in the other room as I write this. Man, life is good!

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