during pregnancy

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Laura!

To preface, I went into the lab yesterday (the 15th) to have my blood drawn and to check my HcG levels. HcG is the pregnancy hormone that is given off each time the embryo's cells divide. The levels obviously tell us if the embryo is growing like it should. I took a pregnancy test and it came up positive, but it's important that we keep track of the levels so that we can make sure this is a viable pregnancy and not just a "chemical" one. I've just learned that a chemical pregnancy occurs when the embryo begins to grow in the uterus, but it has not attached to the uterus. It will eventually absorb into the body if it doesn't attach and the levels would decrease at that point. Concerning the levels, a 14 day embryo SHOULD have a count of at least the high 50s. Well... I just received a call from the clinic and my results came back with a level of 203! This is a VERY good sign. I guess they were really hoping for around 100, but 203... yay!!! I am scheduled to go back to the lab tomorrow to check my levels again. We're hoping the number doubles by then. If so, we're off to a very healthy and positive beginning! As of now, I am tentatively scheduled for an ultrasound by the end of this month or early January. At this appointment we will already be able to determine how many sacs have formed. Anyone wanna bet on twins? This is just so exciting, I can't stand it! I called Laura and Antonio today to wish her a happy birthday and to tell them the good news. We shared a very intimate and heart warming moment. I am quite emotional right now to say the least. I know they really wish that they could be near me right now. I am trying to come up with a way to videotape all of my OB appointments and send them over email. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I have a video camera, but don't know the first thing on how to convert it to a web video. I'd like to make this as special for them as possible. Suggestions would be great!

1 comment:

This Jones Family said...

How fun!! It will be great if it's twins!!